Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Feeding the Geese

While at Grandma and Grandpa's we took a trip to feed the Geese. Luke eased his way into it. The first few minutes were mainly observational while Grandpa fed the geese (and threw pieces at my feet...)

Then Luke decided he would rather eat the bread than feed the geese. He even went so far as to pick up pieces off the ground and try to eat them. Gross.
Eventually he got a little brave.
And sometimes, he got a little braver than I liked. Pretty sure these two wanted a piece of him.
I think had we not stopped him, he would have gone into the water after them!Good times.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Oh Boy.

While Luke was playing, ever so quiet and independently in his room, I was playing with Photoshop Lightroom. We were both having a really good time. Either I was so wrapped up in what I was doing that I heard nothing of what was going on in his room, or I have the stealthiest son ever. When I decided I had neglected him enough and checked on him, this is what I found:

Seriously? I heard nothing. I heard no drawers opening or closing. I heard no books being thrown off the shelf. I heard no bins being emptied on to the floor. Nothing. I am sure he was just really, really quiet about it and I'm not a bad mother.
But boy, was he pleased with the mess he made!

It's a darn good thing he's cute.
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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Catch up!

At the very gentle urging of a friend of mine, I decided it was time to update the blog.
Here's a little bit of what we've been up to the past week or soLuke was given a "Chicken Dance Elmo" by a co-worker of mine. He wasn't so sure at first
but it soon became the BEST THING EVER!

Do you know what this is?
It's a COMPLETED Project 365! A picture a day for a year. Wow am I glad that's done! It did give me more practice learning my camera though. And it is pretty amazing to see how much Luke has changed day-to-day.

Speaking of changing day to day. While adjusting the setting on my camera, I accidentally took a picture of the floor. Looks like Claire wanted to be in the picture as well!
Hello Claire!
Speaking of Claire, she's been getting lots of packages in the mail this week. Here are just a few of the things I've bought for her and her room.
Some soft blocks from the fabric that will be in her room!
A pillow cover for the rocking chair. How adorable is this fabric? I KNOW!!!

She is also getting an adorable little dress in the same fabric. Yes, I'm pulling a Sound of Music moment and having her dress match her curtains ;) Think of the pictures...oh joy.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Fun with toilet paper

ahhh, joy.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hello Sunshine!

This is how Luke woke up from his nap. He has the BEST bedhead!
As you can see, he was none-to-happy to be awake.

But then he started to ham it up for the camera.