Monday, October 20, 2008

Momma said there'd be days like this

So today was my first day alone with Luke-it went as well as I expected. There was screaming, there was crying, and Luke was upset as well. It was not the "Susie Homemaker" day I was imagining. There was no mid-morning nap, followed by a hot cup of coffee while watching soap operas and eating bon-bons. There was no hot, relaxing shower, or make-up, or hair product (I KNOW!!). Luke was not enjoying his day either. For him, there was no mid morning nap, or afternoon nap for that matter. Instead, there was constipation, and a warm bath (which he did not enjoy as I had hoped), there was a rectal temperature, and eventually, a suppository. This is the point where his resentment of me starts, I'm sure. However, after the suppository, and 3 dirty diapers, we both felt better and had a wonderful night of sleep...after all, tomorrow is another day.

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