Monday, April 5, 2010

"Grown Up" Easter

I love my family. I must say, they do keep things interesting. We're a SPECIAL group.
The "grown ups" and I use that term loosely, had a "Redneck Easter" which included creating your outfit, tattoos optional, of course and then collecting the RedBull and beer that the Easter bunny left for us.

The 11

The 11 plus a few kids and some mullet-clad uncles.
Pretty sure we drove down property values while this photo was taken.
My "Maybe Baby Daddy"
The Hunt
Good times.


mattjustmull said...

Alex: That's a sweet barbed wire tat!

Zoe: Where's your Wal-Mart bag to put your Easter goodies?

Dena Marie said...

I friggin LOVE it! :D