Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Oh Boy.

While Luke was playing, ever so quiet and independently in his room, I was playing with Photoshop Lightroom. We were both having a really good time. Either I was so wrapped up in what I was doing that I heard nothing of what was going on in his room, or I have the stealthiest son ever. When I decided I had neglected him enough and checked on him, this is what I found:

Seriously? I heard nothing. I heard no drawers opening or closing. I heard no books being thrown off the shelf. I heard no bins being emptied on to the floor. Nothing. I am sure he was just really, really quiet about it and I'm not a bad mother.
But boy, was he pleased with the mess he made!

It's a darn good thing he's cute.
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Christi said...

Wow, how long did you play in PhotoShop Lightroom???

He is a darlin'. :)

Anonymous said...

I just love those kind of surprises!!!! At least it was for a good cause....You enjoyed some time doing what you wanted to. Always a good reason in my book.

Rachel said...

This makes me smile. At least it appears that he had a good time. :)