Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Words of Wisdom, by Luke

I read the cutest little post here on a friends blog, and it reminded me of all the funny little things Luke says and does. I decided those little gems need to be written down (or typed) so that I can look back and laugh some day.

As Luke had Claire pinned to the floor, she started crying and Luke said "Quaires, what wrong? You need a nap!". I think she just wanted her 25lb brother off of her, but I'm sure a nap wouldn't hurt either.

Luke: I need more milk!
Me: What do we say when we want more milk?
Luke: I say I need more milk!

As we were driving, Luke instructed me to "Go fast, Mommy!" I however was at a stop sign, so I explained that we can't always go fast to which Luke asked "Just a little bit fast?"

I worked very hard trying to make Luke understand that his Gummi vitamins were not candy. They were medicine, and only Mommy or Daddy should give him medicine. This plan backfired on me when kept asking for "medicine" at his Kids Day Out program when he really wanted fruit snacks. I got a lot of questions about that. Then we saw, hugged, and high fived Santa--but REFUSED to sit on his lap, whatever--and Santa gave Luke a sucker. To this day, he talks and asks about and for his "sucret". So now I am the mom of the little boy asking for medicine and sucrets...please don't call CPS on me.

We were brushing our teeth and afterward, Luke put a hand on my shoulder and said "Great brushing, Mommy" Thanks Luke.

I asked Luke to please sit down and eat his snack. He immediately started crying and went to his time out spot. Apparently, he has spent a moderate amount of time in time out.

Luke told me this morning that his milk was "mmmmm. tasty coffee!" Thadda boy!

His PTSD from Kids Day Out now has him saying "No fun today! No fun today!" DAILY. It seems he is traumatized by fun.

He will hand his sister a toy and as soon as she accepts it, he rips it out of her hand and shouts "Don't do that Quaires!" and then look at me and with the sweetest smile say "Nice sharing"...not quite, but nice try.

He is entertaining. Some days, I wish he didn't have such fantastic language skills :)


Rachel said...

Love it! I laughed out loud through this whole post! You definitely have to write them down (or type them) or you forget. Sounds like he has very good language skills. :)

mattjustmull said...

"Great brushing" is my favorite.

Christi said...

:) It'll just get better, from here. :)