Monday, December 6, 2010

Sibling Bliss

These two really enjoy being siblings. You can see it in their faces. Sort of.
Claire likes to pull on Luke's shirt. Luke doesn't care for it. She thinks it's great.
You can almost hear him "Don't do dat, Quaires!", can't ya?
Strategy 1: Attempt to unclench hand from shirt and continue watching Chuggington.
Nice try, Luke. Claire doesn't give up that easy.

Strategy 2: Distraction. So a bunny on the head it is.

While not entirely effective, Luke finds it amusing.
Claire is sizing up the next part of the shirt to grab.

Strategy 3: Poke in the face
While occasionally effective, this one backfired as Claire saw an opportunity to chew on something. Nothing is safe within and inch of her mouth!(building antibodies, right?)
It seems Claire could use some chew toys for Christmas.

Strategy 4: Sit on your opponent

Unfortunately, 20lb Claire doesn't mind her 25lb brother sitting on her lap.
Uh-oh, where'd she go?Time for Mommy to intervene.
Yeah, they love each other!


mattjustmull said...

I'm impressed the bunny stayed balanced on her head.

It should be noted that Claire won the battle since she succeeded in distracting Luck from Chuggington.

Christi said...

Looks like Lukers has met his match. :)