Monday, August 17, 2009

Look! I'm outside!

With the rain gone and it being slightly under 100 degrees out, I decided to venture outside so Luke could play. Surely, I deserve an award for that! He had a great time playing on his castle and I had a great time watching him.

This is his "I'm so excited I could explode!" look. It's something new he's trying out.

He also had a swingin' good time

Until this yawn ruined everything!
And this face appeared. Nap time!
And for those "Doubty McDoubters" out there, here is some photographic evidence that I was in fact the one outside with Luke!
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molly said...

good thing you posted the evidence cause i was about to pass judgement :)

King Lumi said...

Why does your shirt say "INMULA"? ...weird.

Christi said...

I'm not a doubty mcdoubter, but I hear you're pretty good with photoshop. I'm JUST SAYIN'... ;)