Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Bumbo

Luke gave his Bumbo Seat a try today. He loves sitting straight up which means someone pretty much has to hold him up for him to be happy. The swing doesn't do it, neither does his bouncy seat, the car seat comes close. Imagine my happiness when he loved his Bumbo! He really enjoyed being able to talk to all the animals on his mobile!


mattjustmull said...

The Bumbo rocks. I can't believe it took 'them' this long to invent it.

Anonymous said...

He makes that Bumbo look good!!! Nice to see he's not perched in front of the TV with it.....yet. There are days I wish I had a bumbo.........for myself.
Love you guys!!
aunt b

molly said...

we just got ours out- she too loves to sit up and so we think it rocks! we'll have to get them together for a bumbo party :)