Monday, January 19, 2009

It's baaaack

It's been a while since I have done this, so I'm gonna do more than this past week.

I did not take my Christmas tree down a week after Christmas. Those who know me know the trees stay up until February. I most certainly would not be so Scroogey & brush the holidays away so quickly just to get my life back to normal.

I did not re-gift any gifts...

I did not send Luke to daycare on my days off last week. What kind of mother would do that? All I know is I did not get the house cleaned, and my grocery shopping done, and have lunch with a friend, and go to the mall. Nope! Not me.

I did not just give my friend Julie her bachelorette party gift last week. She has not been married since fall 2007.

Speaking of being timely with gifts, I did not just mail my friend Brandy her Christmas gift. If I had, she should consider herself lucky, unlike Julie.

After a tiring day at work I did not have this conversation with my husband
Me: If people say "32 degrees" and "-1 degree" is it "-4 degrees" or "-4 degree"?
Alex: (blank stare)
Me: Nevermind, I'm retarded.
For some reason I suddenly thought the word degree was singular or plural based on whether it was below or above, when does the "placenta brain" stop?

I did not go to work all week without a single picture of my baby. I was not told I was a bad mother on several occasions. My co-workers are way too sweet to say something so mean!

I did not immediately come home and put a picture in my wallet.

I did not guilt my husband into going to Bed Bath & Beyond to get me a Snuggie. I do not adore it. It is not so cozy warm. However, I did not trip on it several times because it's so long. I also did not shock myself all night due to the incredible amount of static produced by that blanket with sleeves.

I did not go to Iowa with the intention of not ever wanting to live there. I did not really like it. I could not see myself raising my family there. I did not find my dream house. It was not built in 1845. Abraham Lincoln did not stay there. (OH YES HE DID!!!)

I am not beyond excited for the Inauguration. I am not planning on getting snacks and sitting on the couch with Luke watching CNN all day! We can't wait!

I am doing my project 365- my 1 picture a day thing. I am not taking 15 pictures a day. That would be a bit much and too confusing.

I did not write this on Sunday while my baby was napping and schedule it to be posted on Monday morning so I don't forget.


mattjustmull said...

The infomercial didn't mention anything about the shock therapy!

Anonymous said...

You have to read my "fun in bed post"--then you'll know what to do with your Snuggie for some fun in bed! ;O)

I think it's -4 degrees, HOWEVER if you are describing the particular coldness of the weather it would be singular ie: We are suffering through -4 degree temperatures. I guess then you pluralize temperature instead. Heh. That's how I do it anyway! :o)