Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Luke's first Halloween was not all that exciting. He peacefully slept through all the trick or treaters that continually rang the doorbell. Oh, to sleep that soundly! He did not at all mind wearing his Elvis costume (Thank you Aunt Loretta!) and didn't even mind the wig all that much. However, having his picture taken with his pumpkin was the most traumatic thing in the world to him! After about 15 pictures of him screaming with his pumpkin, he finally fell asleep and I was able to get one more picture before he woke up, saw the pumpkin and promptly began screaming until it was removed from his person. Here's hoping Christmas goes better.
Bless his heart...

Little Elvis, sort of a snarl

Luke was very excited with his pumpkin

1 comment:

molly said...

the pumpkin is super cute!