Monday, November 3, 2008

"Not me!" Monday

So in the course of my blog stalking, I learned about this fun little thing started by (Thanks Molly). She has a fantastic blog, but bring your box of tissues with you! (or I could just be hormonal). This will be a weekly confession of my personal and parental shortcomings. So no matter what you may have seen or heard, I did not do any of the following things last week. I hope you enjoy!

This week, I did not eat half a pan of rice krispy treats and attempt to justify that by saying it's cereal and if I had a glass of milk with it, it's a perfectly healthy breakfast. I would not do that because I've started my diet and that's no way to lose baby weight!

I did not try to have a rational discussion with my 2 1/2 week old son at 3:30 a.m. as to why he shouldn't want to eat, instead he should want to sleep another 30 minutes so that I could in turn sleep another 30 minutes. That would be wrong on many levels.

I most certainly did not sweep the floor and then decide it was too much of an effort to bend over and use the dust pan to remove the sweepings and instead swept it under the rug in the kitchen until I have the energy to clean it up. I would not do such a thing, because that would be incredibly lazy.

I have not spent more time trying to figure out how to change the margins of my blog, than cleaning, cooking, and laundry put together.

I did not have a very wonderful lunch date with my friend Molly and future daughter-in-law Ainsley. I did not eat Chick-fil-A nuggets and fries, again, the diet. I also did not savor every breaded fried goodness of it!

Additionally, I did not get caught at Chick-fil-A by my Aunt Loretta and Uncle Wally, so if they say they saw me there, I don't know what they are referring to.

I did not passive-aggressively whine to my husband about the margins of my blog, until he spent about an hour figuring it out for me...that's love, baby!

In the course of typing this, I did not continually eat left over Halloween candy. If you look at my coffee table, you would not see 5 Charleston Chew wrappers...again, that darn diet!!

Wow, I didn't do a lot last week.
So, how was your week?

1 comment:

molly said...

you rock- i love it! the blog looks wonderful- and the margins are perfect :) how about sharing those rice krispy treats?? now i'm gonna have to make some.....