Friday, November 14, 2008

Road Trip Part Deux

Since Alex was out of town this week, I decided to head to Topeka for a sleep over with my sister-in-law, mother and niece and nephew. It was just an over night trip so surely I wouldn't need that much. I just took his pack n' play, his stroller, his diaper bag, another diaper bag with bottles and formula, and of course some burp rags, an extra package of diapers and wipes, because you never know he might go through 44 diapers in one night. Then there was his suitcase, which had three changes of clothes, 5 pairs of socks, 3 sets of jammies and one blanket. I also had my suitcase, an extra blanket, and then 4 more extra blankets, in case I got stranded in a snow storm, you know Kansas weather is so unpredictable. In the end, I had more than I did on the first trip...I'm learning.

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