Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!

I noticed it's been a week since I posted! Wow, I must be busy doing certainly isn't working. It's been a bit slower than usual at work so to cut down on the budget, nurses can be "canceled" if they want. Do you know how hard it is to say "no" when someone calls you at 5:01am and says "You can stay home if you want."...and your bed is nice and warm, and your baby is still asleep...mmmm, Heaven. Usually around 11:30am it hits me-I'm not getting paid! But you know, I do have plans to clean and get my hair cut, and it was super nice to stay in bed this morning. My goal for next week is to not get canceled. I mean, seriously, I work 2 days a week.

So what have we done this past week...

Alex's parents Luke's Grandparents came to see us over the weekend. It was nice to have them and I know Luke enjoys seeing people other than his own parents all weekend. We of course did some shopping for summer shoes (the boys opted to stay in the car, go figure). We had a tasty lunch at North where apparently I committed petty theft by pocketing some Splenda packets. My granny taught me good!

And of course, Luke got some much needed play time. I feel bad, the boy gets NO attention from anyone...
I think they are comparing tans. Grandpa wins!-However, he cheated by going to Cabo...

Since today is Earth Day, and I have the day off, and it's going to be 76 degrees today, and because I drive a Prius (so it's expected of me) I will take care of my Mother Earth by pulling weeds & happy dandelions. While I love the dandelion, and do not love myriad dandelions. I think the majority of them were murdered by Alex last evening. I will have to check the carnage this morning. We did have 5 tulips bloom! I think they are telling us it's time to dig them up and replant. They look so lonely...beautiful, but lonely.

Hope everyone has wonderful weather and a wonderful day!


Alex said...

Kudos to you for the proper grammatical use of the word "myriad".

Anonymous said...

The tulips are gorgeous! I am to scared to plant things...

I can say that the kids are doing a fabulous job of yanking dandelions and then bring them to me.

mattjustmull said...

I believe have I successfully committed dandelion genocide in our back yard. Time for the front...