Friday, April 10, 2009

Sweet Potatoes and Sippy Cups

Luke had his 6 month check up yesterday and is doing great. Apparently he's "stronger than most babies" and quite we didn't know that! The doctor feels that his activity is to blame for his drop on the weight chart. He now weighs 15lbs 12oz which is the 25th percentile. He's 26 1/2 inches long, 90th percentile, and his head is still average at 50th percentile. She wasn't too concerned about his hatred of tummy time and feels he will probably just start pulling himself up and start walking, possibly skipping crawling all together...awesome. He's healthy and happy- minus the shots, of course.

After the appointment, we went upstairs to see my co-workers as they get mad when I don't bring him by. He flirted with everyone. Every time a new person walked by, he put his arms up for them to hold him, and of course they obliged. Such good honorary Aunties! After all that spoiling he fell asleep as soon as I buckled him in his seat.

We came home and enjoyed sweet potatoes (his new favorite, and mine too I must admit) and we had our first attempt with a sippy cup. After examining it closely....

...all sides of it...
...playing with the handles...
...talking, er, screaming at it...
...he finally got it into his mouth.
He was not impressed.

1 comment:

molly said...

let me know when he figures that one out so he can teach ains.... and oh, a much more appropriate word verification this time :)