Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hello, dear friend. I have missed you more than you know...

Luke had a horrid night on Tuesday. Dr. Ferber was not my friend that night. There were tears and screams off and on from 11:45pm to 4:30am. At 4:31am, Luke got his pacifier back and momma got an hour of sleep before going to work.

My day at work started off with "Wow, you look like crap". Thank you... friend? After explaining my "crappiness" I was bombarded with scoldings for tampering with a baby that actually sleeps. So after questioning just about all of my co-workers, friends, and every family practice doctor or pediatrician that crossed my path, it was decided that Luke should get his binky back, and I should get some sleep. Thank you....

Sorry Screams McGee for torturing you for no apparent reason.


mattjustmull said...

I'm curious about what Dr. Ferber says is bad about pacifiers.

molly said...

i don't think lukey is a fan of dr. ferber....more a fan of those close, personal friends who got him those pacis back!!

Zoe said...

Dr Ferber believes the pacifier becomes a "crutch" and that the child becomes dependent on it and therefore cannot fall asleep without it, or not be able to get himself back to sleep if it falls out in his sleep. He should be able to be put in his bed awake with nothing and fall asleep on his own. I'm sure it works, I just don't think any of us are ready.

Anonymous said...

Tommy had his paci...maybe longer than he should have. AND he had it in his mouth when he definitely wasn't sleeping. At least his red paci matched his KU gear since it was in ALL of the pictures from the KU championship last year. Shortly after that (before he turned two--at least I have that), we told him that pacis are for babies and he probably shouldn't have one anymore. He said "okay". That was that.

Go with your gut Zoe! Mom's always right--no matter what. You know that little guy the best.