Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Can you believe that this adorable couple......who had this man at their Las Vegas wedding...

...is responsible for this adorable baby!
We can't either! The magnitude of this hit us the other night. My parents were up over the weekend so Alex and I had a date. We had a great dinner and then decided to grab a coffee at Starbucks before heading home. Being the fairly newlywed couple we are were, we used to make little kissy noises to each other. Our little "Hey baby, I love you". While sipping our lattes at Starbucks, instead of a kissy noise, Alex made a zerbit noise at me. Without thought, I returned the zerbit. At what point did we stop being a lovey couple and become parents?! We discussed this matter for a few minutes. We also mulled over the panic of knowing someday Luke will utter the words "Mom" & "Dad" in reference to us. OMG! And then once again almost unconsciously, Alex made the zerbit noise. We decided it was best to just go home and play with our baby.
We need to get out more.

1 comment:

King Lumi said...

You must have spelled "zerbit" out phonetically, because I don't know how to spell it and Merriam-Webster doesn't know how to spell it. Why not "zirbit", or "zurbit", or "throat-warbler-mangrove"?

I'm just sayin'.